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Year 1


A HUGE welcome to the new Year 1 class!

I look forward to lots of FUN and lots of LEARNING in our new class :-)


Our class saint this year is St Francis of Assisi!

We will be learning all about St Francis and his deep devotion to Stewardship.

We will be inspired by his example!


Days to remember:

Monday: Homework due

Wednesdays: Homework set


Our School day starts at 8:40 am.

Morning registration takes place at 8:40-8.45 am.

Home time is 3:25 pm.


Please make sure your child reads at home for 5-10 minutes every night. Please comment in their diary daily.

We politely request children bring their book bag and diary to school every day. Thank you for your support!


Don't hesitate to get in touch!





Our Learning in Autumn Term



We will start the year by learning about the wonder of God's Creation, thinking of and thanking God for our blessings. We will learn about our Class Saint - Saint Francis of Assisi and learn from his example of stewardship for God's Creation.

The next RE Unit is all about Families and Celebrations. 

We will learn about Prayer. 

The Advent unit will take us up to Christmas.




Our first focus text is 'Not a Stick'. We will be using this simple text to understand and help us to write labels, lists and captions. 

During Autumn Term, we will be focussing on getting the basics right - correct letter formation, and the place value of punctuation and grammar, using the Grammarsaurus scheme. This is learning about common nouns, proper nouns, being verbs, regular action verbs, irregular action verbs,  is, what a being verb is, what action verb is, building single clause sentences with a subject and verb, and how to correctly punctuate a sentence with a full stop and a capital letter.

These are the fundamental building blocks, which will enable the children to develop their sentence work and writing.


Power Maths is a scheme which uses a 'mastery' approach to teaching and learning maths. The belief is that everyone can! The mastery approach ensures that maths is taught in small steps, which are gradually built upon, to ensure a deep understanding of all concepts. Each year group continues to build on what has been learned previously.

In Autumn Term, we will be ensuring that the children's understanding of numbers to 10 is absolutely secure. Unit 1 - Numbers to 10. Unit 2 - Part-whole within 10. Unit 3 - Addition and Subtraction within 10. 

Then we will move onto a Unit on 2D and 3D shapes before beginning Unit 6 - Numbers to 20.



In Science, our main focus this term is 'Everyday Materials'. The children will be sorting, naming and grouping objects made from 'plastic', 'wood', 'metal', 'rubber' and 'glass'. They will be describing properties of the different materials, and work scientifically to investigate why certain objects are made from certain materials, and which materials are best for certain jobs.


Seasons work is woven through the science curriculum throughout the year. During this term, the children will be naming the four seasons, beginning to think about different weather conditions and look at Autumn in more detail,




In Art our focus Artist is Henri Matisse. We will be creating collage artwork, inspired by Matisse's 'Snail'. 




In the first half of Autumn Term, we will be learning about Fruit and Vegetables and how we know which it is as fruit have seeds. We will be learning about where different fruits and vegetables grow, and tasting some of them.



Our focus in Geography is our local area. We will begin by learning that the UK is made up of 4 countries: England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland. Then we will learn that each of these has a capital city: London, Cardiff, Edinburgh and Belfast, finding out a little about each of these. We will then start to look in more detail at our local area, discussing the human and physical features, with a focus on transport in our area.

Choosing a book for your child that they will love can sometimes be a daunting task. Click the link below for a recommended selection of age-appropriate texts:

