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Year 5

Our Class Saint- St Maximilian Kolbe.

We will be exploring the life of St Maximilian Kolbe and reflecting on how his life and work inspire us to become truly amazing, created in God's Image. 

Year Five Autumn Term Curriculum 2023

A warm welcome to the Year Five Class Page! 

This term we have lots of exciting things planned for us to achieve. Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me either via the school office, on the yard before or after school or via email:

Thank you,

Mrs Mellor



Daily life:

  • The school day starts at 08:40am and finishes at 3:25 p.m. You must be on time and ready to learn.

  • Uniform  - Dress Smart - Think Smart. Please ensure correct uniform is worn every day, with shirts tucked in and hair tied back. 

  • Homework is set on a Thursday and should be completed by the following Tuesday. 

  • Swimming is on a Thursday. 

  • Reading should be completed daily, this should be recorded in the children's reading diaries. These will be checked. 

  • Resources are provided in school, so do not feel that it is essential to bring a pencil case of your own. 

  • Pupils must bring a fresh water bottle to school each day. 





Reading... Choosing a book for your child that they will love can sometimes be a daunting task. Click the link for a recommended selection of age appropriate texts.

We will explore and learn Maths through our mastery approach, following the Power Maths scheme of learning. Power Maths is a UK curriculum mastery programme designed to spark curiosity and excitement and nurture confidence in maths. Maths mastery is a teaching and learning approach that aims for pupils to develop deep understanding of maths rather than being able to memorise key procedures or resort to rote learning. The end goal and expectation is for all pupils to have acquired the fundamental facts and concepts of maths for their year or key stage such that by the end of it they have achieved mastery in the maths they have been taught. At this point they are ready to move confidently on to their next stage of maths. Mastery of a mathematical concept means a child can use their knowledge of the concept to solve unfamiliar word problems, and undertake complex reasoning, using the appropriate mathematical vocabulary. Maths mastery is a not a quick fix to maths learning but a journey that the teacher and pupils go on together, with regular diagnostic assessment to check the pupils understanding and direct instruction that teaches to any gaps. The children will gain skills in fluency and apply these to problems daily. They will reason about ideas and explain the Maths behind it. We will revisit ideas daily, through "spaced learning" and the children will learn to look for and make connections between their learning. Please see our Mathematics page to see the overview for the term. During the Autumn Term, we will be using Power Maths textbook A.

This half term we will be exploring An Eagle in the Snow by Michael Morpurgo.

A powerful and moving novel from the master storyteller – inspired by the true story of one man who might have stopped World War II. The story of a young man, a young soldier in the trenches of World War I who, on the spur of the moment, had done what he thought was the right thing...

Year 5 National Curriculum Spellings

Curriculum Plans for Reading, Writing, Mathematics and RE

Year 5 and Year 6 Curriculum and Expectations

With the new National Curriculum, the Department for Education has produced new expectations for the end of each curriculum year. These will replace the old system of levels and provide you as parents with a clear idea of what the children should be achieving at the end of the year.

Below you will find the expectations for Year 5  and Year 6 in Reading, Writing and Mathematics. The year 5 document that can also be downloaded provides year 5 expectations. We have also produced ‘deepening’ targets for parents to show you the targets that the children will be working towards if they have met all of the ‘expected’ targets to master their learning skills.

As a school we report your child’s progress against these end of year expectations at our parent evenings during the year.

The following terms will be used:

·         Your child is not on track to meet the end of year national expectations.

·         Your child is on track to meet the end of year national expectations .

·         Your child is on track to exceed the end of year national expectations.


Any extra support you can provide in helping your child or children to achieve these will benefit them greatly.

End of year expectations for year 5
