Charities Update
A Huge Thank You!! to all of our Parents, Families and Friends of St. Mary's
for your continued support of our fundraising through the year.
We couldn't do it without you!! Your generosity and time is so very much appreciated xx
Mary's Meals
Mary's Meals provides one good meal to some of the poorest children every school day.
Our work is named after Mary, the mother of Jesus, who brought up her own children in poverty. Mary's Meals consists of, respects, and reaches out to people of all faiths and of non.
St Mary's have been fundraising for Mary's Meals:
Donation Boxes - £262.03
Yellow Day - £155.00
Pyjama Day - £143.00
Blue Day - £149.00
Carol Singing - £57.93
Donations of Clothes - £67.20
Christmas Concert, Door Donations and Raffles - £625.67
Parents' Lunch - £186.00
Coffee Morning - £231.69
TT Rockstars - £116.00
School Disco - £315.00
Sweet Sales Nursery - £29.54
Popcorn Sale Class 4 - £15.00
Thank you for your continued support and generosity.
Good Shepherd Appeal
Amount Raised:
MacMillan Cancer Support
World's Biggest Coffee Morning - September 2019
St Mary's raised an amazing £245.14
Thank you all for your generosity.
2018/ 2019
Easter Bonnet Parade
Thank you to everyone who took part in the Easter Bonnet Parade.
Over £100 was raised for the Parish of St. Mary’s.
Thank you!
Kieran Rutter Legacy Fund
A cheque for £831.11 was handed over to the Kieran Rutter Legacy Fund.
Kieran’s Parents and Nan came in to school to aceept the cheque which was raised through two cake sales, a school disco and carol singing.
Lenten activities raised £95.55 for CAFOD
Minnie Vinnies raises £28.20 for CAFOD - during Lent
NSPCC Number Day £107.47
Coffee Morning in October 2018 raised £307
2017/ 2018 Fundraising
Autumn Term
MacMillan Coffee morning in October raised £241.00
Scholastics Book Fair - £200 “commission” received from book sales to go towards books for school
Christmas Fair – £900 +£750 Barclays match funding
Christmas Concerts – £405
Unicef Shoe Share – a pair of shoes collected from each child to donate to Unicef
CAFOD non-uniform day £141.50
Carol singing - £40.65
Spring Term
Staff Cake Sale in memory of Kieran Rutter £120
Lenten Fundraisers:
Nursery & Reception – Name the Bunny £60
Year 1 & 2 – Easter Egg Roll - £25
Year 3 & 4 – Easter Bingo - £49.25
Year 5 & 6 - Coffee Morning - £118.45
2016/ 2017 Fundraising
October 2016 MacMillan Coffee Morning £230.57
Cafod Donations £25
Unicef (dress down day) £138
Christmas Concert Oncology Dept collections £614.92
Carol Singing at Leek United £50.30
Air Ambulance £747
Easter 2017 CAFOD £312.50
Coffee Morning (Oncology Dept) £50.70
Father Hudson Lent Box Collections £63.01
Mr Allen Head-shave £3001.70
Unicef "Wear Blue" Day £56.25