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Year 1



Our class saint this year is St Francis of Assisi!

We will be learning all about St Francis and his deep devotion to Stewardship.

We will be inspired by his example!


Our Summer Term learning


Days to remember:

Mondays: Homework due

Tuesdays: PE with ASM coach

Wednesdays: Homework sent out


Our school day starts at 8:40 am.

Morning registration takes place at 8:40-8.45 am.

Our school day ends at  3:25 pm.


Please make sure your child reads at home for 5-10 minutes every night. Please comment in their diary daily.

We politely request children bring their book bag and diary, and a water bottle to school every day.

Thank you for your support!


If you have any questions don't hesitate to get in touch!



Our RE learning for the summer term will focus on:

* Easter - a celebration of the resurrection of Jesus

* Pentecost - the fulfilment of Jesus's promise to send the Holy Spirit

* Sharing in Jesus's life - developing an understanding of the way in which Christians are called to share in the life of Jesus.

* Following Jesus today - developing understanding of how followers of Jesus belong to the Church, and the different ways that the Church, and different members of it, follow Jesus.




During Summer Term, we will continue to focuss on getting the basics right, including correct letter formation, and and how to correctly punctuate a sentence with a full stop and a capital letter.

We will continue to develop sentence work, forming narratives and non-fiction writing including: retelling a familiar traditional tale, a recount, instructions and a persuasive poster.


Power Maths is a scheme which uses a 'mastery' approach to teaching and learning maths. The belief is that everyone can! The mastery approach ensures that maths is taught in small steps, which are gradually built upon, to ensure a deep understanding of all concepts. Each year group continues to build on what has been learned previously.

In Summer Term, we will be measuring - length and height, and mass and capacity, introducing multiplication and division - counting in 2s, 5s, 10s, doubling and recognising equal and not equal groups, fractions - recognising half of shapes and quantities, and a quarter of shapes and quantities. We will be counting and recognising numbers to 100, and introducing money and time.



In Science, our main focus this term is 'Plants'. The children will be naming the main parts of a plant and learning about the function of each part. They will plant seeds and take care of them to grow their own plant, keeping a plant diary. They will learn about different types of plants including deciduous and evergreen trees. 


Seasons work is woven through the science curriculum throughout the year. During this term, the children will be recall the four seasons, think about different weather conditions and look at Spring and Summer in more detail.



In Art our focus Artist is Alfred Wallis. The children will be learning what landscape and seascape paintings are. They will experiment with lines and curves and discuss and record their responses to Alfred Wallis's art. The end outcome will be a mixed media seascape. 



This term we have two DT projects to complete:

* Mechanisms: Wheels and Axles - Creating a moving vehicle using wheels and axles.

* Structures: Constructing a Windmill.



In Geography this term, the children will be learning that there are seven continents and the name of them, that there are five oceans and the name of them. They will also recall work on the four countries of the UK and human and physical features of the local area. They will then look at the human and physical features of the coast and the weather patterns inland compared to the coast. We will compare our local area to the coast.



We will be learning about events beyond living memory that are significant nationally or globally - Journeys. We will be learning about the first flight and how flight developed, and how the first flight led to aeroplanes we have today. We will learn about significant individuals including the Wright brothers and Amy Johnson. We will also be learning about the Titanic, how life on board was not the same for everyone. We will use sources to learn about the past.


We will be visiting Manchester Runway Visitor Park to support our learning about the significance of the first flight and how this led to the aeroplanes we have today.

Choosing a book for your child that they will love can sometimes be a daunting task. Click the link below for a recommended selection of age-appropriate texts:

