School Logo

Year 1



Our class saint this year is St Francis of Assisi!

We will be learning all about St Francis and his deep devotion to Stewardship.

We will be inspired by his example!


Our Spring Term


Days to remember:

Mondays: Homework due


Wednesdays: Homework sent out


Our school day starts at 8:40 am.

Morning registration takes place at 8:40-8.45 am.

Our school day ends at  3:25 pm.


Please make sure your child reads at home for 5-10 minutes every night. Please comment in their diary every day.


We politely request children bring their book bag and diary, and a water bottle to school every day.

Thank you for your support!



If you have any questions don't hesitate to get in touch!

Spring Vehicle

Nicholson Museum- Visiting our wonderful exhibition and sketching the building.

Creating our Nicholson celebration blanket, to display at the museum



Our RE learning for the Spring term will focus on:

In the Autumn term, the units the children will study are:



  • Jesus Teacher and Healer: This unit is designed to develop the children’s understanding of Jesus and his ministry as a teacher and healer.
  • Forgiveness: This unit develops the children’s knowledge of the importance of forgiveness as a gift we receive and as a way that we can show love to others.
  • Lent: This unit helps to develop children’s knowledge and understanding of Lent as a time of change and of growing to be more like Jesus by following his example.
  • Holy Week: This unit is designed to develop the children’s knowledge and understanding of the important events of Holy Week and how they tell of the last days of Jesus’ life on earth.


Power Maths is a scheme which uses a 'mastery' approach to teaching and learning maths. The belief is that everyone can! The mastery approach ensures that maths is taught in small steps, which are gradually built upon, to ensure a deep understanding of all concepts. Each year group continues to build on what has been learned previously.


Choosing a book for your child that they will love can sometimes be a daunting task. Click the link below for a recommended selection of age-appropriate texts:

