School Logo

Year 1



Our class saint this year is St Francis of Assisi!

We will be learning all about St Francis and his deep devotion to Stewardship.

We will be inspired by his example!


Our Autumn Term


Days to remember:

Mondays: Homework due


Wednesdays: Homework sent out


Our school day starts at 8:40 am.

Morning registration takes place at 8:40-8.45 am.

Our school day ends at  3:25 pm.


Please make sure your child reads at home for 5-10 minutes every night. Please comment in their diary daily.

We politely request children bring their book bag and diary, and a water bottle to school every day.

Thank you for your support!



If you have any questions don't hesitate to get in touch!



Our RE learning for the Autumn term will focus on:

In the Autumn term, the units the children will study are:


  • Creation: This unit will help the children to appreciate themselves and the world as part of God's creation. They will write prayers thanking and praising God for his many gifts.
  • Families and Celebrations: This unit will help to develop the children's understanding of what 'family' means. They will also study many important celebrations in the life of Jesus and the Church, such as Mass and the Wedding at Cana.
  • Prayer: During this unit, the children will learn that prayer is a special way to spend time with God. The children will focus on prayers of praise and intercession. They will continue to learn about and practice famous prayers such as the Glory Be and Our Father.
  • Advent: The children will learn that Advent is a time of waiting and preparation for the celebration of the birth of Jesus and his coming again. 
  • Christmas: This unit will help the children to understand that Christmas is the celebration of the birth of Jesus. They will learn about the events that happened before and after his birth, and the impact it had on the people involved.






The children will start the year by learning about labels and captions. They will practise writing words and sentences through creating their own labels and captions. We will then begin to learn about what a sentence really is by exploring subjects and verbs and identifying these within sentences. We will complete the Autumn term by exploring and writing about 'The Little Red Hen'.


Power Maths is a scheme which uses a 'mastery' approach to teaching and learning maths. The belief is that everyone can! The mastery approach ensures that maths is taught in small steps, which are gradually built upon, to ensure a deep understanding of all concepts. Each year group continues to build on what has been learned previously.



In the Autumn term, the children will build on their understanding from Reception. They will develop their understanding of numbers to 10 and be introduced to structures such as part-whole models. They will also learn how to add, subtract and recognise a range of 2D and 3D shapes. They will:


  • Sort and count objects to 10
  • Count one more and one less
  • Count backwards from 10 to 1
  • Learn to use a number line
  • Use part-whole models
  • Write number sentences
  • Find number bonds
  • Find missing parts
  • Solve word problems
  • Name and sort 2D and 3D shapes





The children's Autumn topic in Science is 'Materials'. They will be able to identify which materials different objects are made from. They will explore and investigate which properties different materials have and how that makes them suitable for certain objects. They will also be able to group objects together based on their properties.


The children will also begin their 'Seasons' unit, which will continue throughout the year. They will learn what the four seasons are and observe what it is like during 'Autumn'.


Seasons work is woven through the science curriculum throughout the year. During this term, the children will be recall the four seasons, think about different weather conditions and look at Spring and Summer in more detail.





 The children's Autumn unit will explore the artist Henri Matisse. The children will study his life and artwork by developing their mark marking, drawing, painting, collage and printing skills. They will also experiment with colour mixing by creating their own colour wheels. The children will use their newly developed skills to create a collage inspired with Henri Matisse.




In DT, the children's first unit is textiles. They will be learning how to join fabric together in different ways such as pinning, stapling and gluing. They will use these skills along with their design skills to create their own puppets from one of the characters from the 'Little Red Hen'. A story we will be exploring in our English lessons.




In the Autumn term, the children will learn about the four countries of the UK and their capital cities. They will start to learn about human and physical features and be able to identify these in different rural and urban regions, as well as our local area. The children will finish the term by exploring maps, symbols and compass directions. They will be able to consolidate their learning by drawing their own maps.





The children's Autumn term unit is all about toys. They will explore how toys have changed over time by looking at a range of historical sources, including photographs. They will consider how the toys their grandparents played with are different to those we have today.

Choosing a book for your child that they will love can sometimes be a daunting task. Click the link below for a recommended selection of age-appropriate texts:

