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Year 2

Welcome letter from Mrs Buggy

smiley Hello and a warm welcome to the Year 2 class page smiley


 Below I have included a few sneak peeks of our Autumn term and some key information. 


I am always available before and after school if you have any questions or queries.

Thank you,

Mrs Buggysmiley

Our Class Saint is St Teresa of Kolkata

This year we will be learning all about our class saint and sharing a special liturgy with our parents to celebrate this fantastic saint. St Teresa showcased her care of the poor and vulnerable throughout her life. We will take inspiration from her in many ways. 

Below is a snapshot of our exciting curriculum this term!

Our Year 2 timetable


Reading... Choosing a book for your child that they will love can sometimes be a daunting task. Click the link for a recommended selection of age appropriate texts.

Read Write INC Video

Mrs Buggy Group 



Mrs Owen group



Mrs Hall Group


Curriculum Plans for Reading, Writing, Mathematics and RE

Year 1 and Year 2 Curriculum and Expectations

Below you will find the expectations for Year 1 and Year 2 in Reading, Writing and Mathematics. This year the year 2 will be following the government's End of Key Stage 1 interim curriculum. The government guidance can be downloaded at the bottom of the page. This document provides detail of the specific expectations for the end of year 2 statutory tests and expectations.

The document for year 1 which can be downloaded below identifies Year 1 expectations. In this document we have also produced ‘deepening’ targets for parents to show you the targets that the children will be working towards if they have met all of the ‘expected’ targets to master their learning skills.

As a school we shall report your child’s progress against these end of year expectations at parent’s evening during the year.

The following terms will be used:

·         Your child is not on track to meet the end of year national expectations.

·         Your child is on track to meet the end of year national expectations .

·         Your child is on track to deepen the end of year national expectations.

Any extra support you can provide in helping your child or children to achieve these will benefit them greatly.
