Year 3
Welcome to our Year 3 Class Page!
Our class saint this term is St Peter.
We will be learning all about St Peter and how he was the first Pope. We will take inspiration from his life, martyrdom and example of compassionate and loving virtues.
Please find below an overview of our learning for Autumn Term 2024.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to ask.
Many thanks for your support,
Mrs Mellor
Our ‘Vehicle’ through which the curriculum will be taught for the Autumn Term is:
All Woofs and Waggles!
PE will take place every Friday afternoon.
PE kits should remain in school for the duration of the term.
Homework is sent out every Wednesday in the children’s Home Learning Logs.
Home Learning Logs and completed homework should be returned every Monday morning.
In addition to Homework, there is daily reading, daily maths, spelling/grammar..
In Key Stage 2, there is much more focus on comprehension of what they have read.
In order to support your child, try the following activities:
- Ask them to summarise a section of what they have read in their own words.
- Ask them to predict what might happen next, and explain their thinking.
- Discuss why an author has chosen to use particular words and/or punctuation.
As the children are now in Key Stage 2, they are expected to wear a shirt and tie.
Please encourage your child to do up and undo their buttons themselves at home, as this will greatly assist them when getting changed before and after PE lessons.
Earrings and hair gel are not part of school uniform.
Children can bring a healthy snack, for example a piece of fruit, dried fruit or a healthy snack bar for break-time.
Water Bottles
Children should bring a water bottle to school every day.
This should be clearly labelled with their name, and should only contain water.
SPAG (Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar)
Curriculum Plans for Reading, Writing, Mathematics and RE
Year 3 and Year 4 Curriculum and Expectations
With the new National Curriculum, the Department for Education has produced new expectations for the end of each curriculum year. These will replace the old system of levels and provide you as parents with a clear idea of what the children should be achieving at the end of the year.
Below you will find the expectations for Year 3 and Year 4 in Reading, Writing and Mathematics. We have also produced ‘deepening’ targets for parents to show you the targets that the children will be working towards if they have met all of the ‘expected’ targets to master their learning skills.
As a school we shall report your child’s progress against these end of year expectations at parents evenings during the year.
The following terms will be used:
· Your child is not on track to meet the end of year national expectations
· Your child is on track to meet the end of year national expectations
· Your child is on track to exceed the end of year national expectations
Any extra support you can provide in helping your child or children to achieve these will benefit them greatly