Mrs McArdle and Miss Moore welcome you to Nursery.
Our Class Saint is St Mary
We will be learning all about St Mary and her endless love and devotion to God this year.
Important information:
Please bring a labelled water bottle to school every day.
Homework will be given out on a Wednesday and needs to be returned to school on a Monday.
Reading books will be changed on a Wednesday. To help your child on their reading journey, please read every night and sign the reading diary. Please bring the reading folder to school every day as we would like to read with your child.
PE: Please bring a labelled PE kit in a bag that can remain in school.
We will to use our outdoor area all year round. Please ensure that you bring a waterproof coat every day. On wet, rainy days please bring wellies. When it is hot please ensure your child has a sun cream and a hat.
Please come and ask us any questions that you may have.