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Physical Education



"Motor skills performance always involves the development

of critical thinking skills when solving a problem. Critical thinking in physical education, which is mainly characterised by challenging students to produce unique solutions to movement problems."


 (Lodewyk, 2009;McPherson & Kernodle, 2007).


At St Mary's Catholic Academy,  we recognise the importance of PE and Physical Activity.

We intend to offer a curriculum that allows all children to not only benefit physically, but also socially, and emotionally. We want to develop a life –long passion for Sport and Physical Activity within our children. PE is all about communication and critical thinking. Children will be taught from the early years to develop a foundation of fundamental skills that allow children the basic skills to become physically literate.  As they progress through the school, these fundamentals will be essential to their continued development through a broad range of sports and activities that we offer.
By the end of Year 6, all children will have attended swimming lessons; learnt a range of strokes, safe self-rescue and be able to confidently swim a minimum of 25m.
Where possible, physical activity will be present in wider areas of the curriculum to re-enforce the importance of physical health and wellbeing.

