Contact us
Mrs G Turner - Principal
For general queries, please contact Mrs Maggie Kelsey (School Business Manager) or Miss Morgan Roberts (Administration Assistant) on 01538 493888 and email
SEN (Special Education Needs)
Please contact Mrs Rosanna Reid on 01538 493888
Please contact Mrs Rebecca Mellor, Designated Safeguarding Lead or Mrs Laura Fallows, Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead on 01538 493888
St. Marys' Catholic Academy, Chair of Local Governing Board
Mr J Sullivan,
Mr K Wilson - Chair of Directors
Can be contacted through Painsley Academy on 01538 493777
The Painsley Catholic Academy
Registered Office: Station Road, Cheadle, Staffordshire ST10 1LH
A company limited by guarantee registered in England & Wales with company number 08146661
St. Mary's Catholic Academy
Cruso St
ST13 8BW
Telephone: 01538 493888
Paper copies of all website information can be requested from the school office.