A message from Mr Joe Sullivan, Organiser, Leek Club Day
Dear Friends,
It is with great regret that I inform you that the 2020 Leek Club Day will be cancelled due to the Covid-19 epidemic.
Since the emergence of the Covid-19 outbreak in January, we have continued to follow the guidance of the Government, Public Health England and NHS England, seeking to understand the implications for Leek Club Day. Whilst we continue to prey and hope for the improvement of the current situation, the significant preparations required to facilitate Leek Club Day and the likelihood that the Social Distancing Measures will continue for many months, we now feel it is the right time to cancel this years event.
In light of this decision, Leek Club Day will next take place on Saturday 10th July 2021, led by Gateway. We expect that the Committee will next meet in October 2020 for the Annual General Meeting (AGM), with confirmed arrangements to follow nearer to the time.
I would like to take this opportunity to thank you all for your contribution, hard work and commitment to the 2020 Leek Club Day and I look forward to continuing to work with you in the planning of next years event.
I do hope this email finds you safe and well in these challenging unprecedented times.
Please forward this email to your contacts and share via your Website, Facebook and other communication channels.
Kindest Regards,
Joe Sullivan
Organiser, Leek Club Day