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Home-learning Information 23.03.2020

Dear Parent/Carer


Yesterday, Jesus reminded us in the Gospel that he is the light of the world.  We remember the famous quote that, ‘It is better to light a candle than to curse the darkness.’ We pray that we have the strength to be His light in our community as we draw on the strength of Jesus, the light of the world.


As part of our community effort, we will try to develop some form of ‘new normality’ for our pupils. The lesson patterns for Year N- Y6 will be as follows starting from tomorrow morning (24th March):


All information regarding your child’s learning can be found on our website. Please click onto the “Pupils” tab, then click on “Home Learning” and then double click on your child’s year group. Please ensure that the following timetable is followed:


EYFS to Year 4 will have work allocated daily via the school website by 9.30am


Year 5 and Year 6 – 9.30-10.30 and 11.00-12 there will be live lessons through the platform


Teachers have posted their email addresses on the individual class pages should you have any questions or queries regarding the work which has been set.


We expect all of our pupils to take part in the lessons like any normal school day. This will reduce a sense of boredom or frustration and establish a routine, which is so important to all of us as it improves our mood and feelings.   Please remember to telephone the school office by 9:00am if your child is unwell so we know they will not be taking part in lessons that day.  No doubt, there will be some teething problems.  If your child is not able to access the lessons/online material, please contact the school office on 01538 493888.  We are here to help!


We are currently working on the possibility of providing additional IT equipment for those that need it but please be patient.  In the meantime, we can issue packs of work by arrangement.  Again, please telephone 01538 493888 to let us know.

As a reminder, there will be PE activities posted on the class pages every day in order for your child to remain active and not fall into unhealthy patterns of behaviour, which in turn can make them feel worse.

I appeal to you to prevent your child from meeting friends and socialising in groups. It is clear that the government need us to self-isolate for the sake of our loved ones and, indeed, the whole nation.  We must try our best to stay at home!

Again, I assure you that we will be here for you throughout the period of school closure.  You may just want a chat or inform us about how your child is dealing with the social distancing requirements in the fight against COVID-19; please call or email!  Any photos of your child working at home/ keeping fit etc. will be gratefully appreciated, as we want to keep all of our spirits high!

You all remain in my prayers.


God bless

Mrs G Turner



