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Happy Clean Air Day!!!

What will you do to celebrate Clean Air Day?

Today is National Clean Air Day and here in Staffordshire we are doing our bit to try and help make the air you breathe cleaner and healthier.
Could you give YOUR car the day off?
Did you know:

  • 1/3 of ALL car journeys in Staffordshire are less than 2 miles, they could easily be substituted by sustainable travel
  • idling cars pump out about 150 balloons worth of harmful gas every minute!
  • poor air quality is responsible for 500 deaths in Staffordshire every year
  • that idling is the single biggest contributor to poor air pollution outside schools
  • 30% of all asthma cases in children are down to air pollution

Share your Clean Air Day stories with us on our Facebook Page

Tweet your Clean Air Day messages to our Air Aware Twitter Feed

Use the hashtags #CleanAirDay2021 #AirAwareStaffs #CleanAirDayStaffs


Watch this short video


Explore what you could do to help and do your bit!
